Publikationen von K Scheffler
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Zeitschriftenartikel (391)
88 (4), S. 1912 - 1926 (2022)
A 32-element loop/dipole hybrid array for human head imaging at 7 T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 42.
35 (10), e4773 (2022)
Double-Row Dipole/Loop Combined Array for Human Whole Brain Imaging at 7 T. NMR in Biomedicine 43.
16, 1009295 (2022)
Characterization of the blood oxygen level dependent hemodynamic response function in human subcortical regions with high spatiotemporal resolution. Frontiers in Neuroscience 44.
69, 116863 (2022)
Evaluation of crotamine based probes as intracellular targeted contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 45.
99 (8), S. e775 - e788 (2022)
Novelty-Related fMRI Responses of Precuneus and Medial Temporal Regions in Individuals at Risk for Alzheimer Disease. Neurology 46.
341, 107237 (2022)
MR-double-zero - Proof-of-concept for a framework to autonomously discover MRI contrasts. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 47.
88 (2), S. 742 - 756 (2022)
Accelerated MRI at 9.4 T with electronically modulated time-varying receive sensitivities. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 48.
7 (7), S. 680 - 687 (2022)
Neural Basis of Impaired Emotion Recognition in Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 49.
35 (6) (2022)
High-resolution neural network-driven mapping of multiple diffusion metrics leveraging asymmetries in the balanced steady-state free precession frequency profile. NMR in Biomedicine 50.
12, 9238 (2022)
Microvascular imaging of the unstained human superior colliculus using synchrotron-radiation phase-contrast microtomography. Scientific Reports 51.
87 (5), S. 2481 - 2494 (2022)
Developing formalin-based fixative agents for post mortem brain MRI at 9.4 T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 52.
35 (1), S. 77 - 85 (2022)
GLINT: GlucoCEST in neoplastic tumors at 3 T-clinical results of GlucoCEST in gliomas. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 53.
308, 114355 (2022)
ADHD patients with DIRAS2 risk allele need more thalamic activation during emotional face-voice recognition. Psychiatry Research 54.
29, 102533, S. 1 - 11 (2021)
Association between composite scores of domain-specific cognitive functions and regional patterns of atrophy and functional connectivity in the Alzheimer’s disease spectrum. NeuroImage: Clinical 55.
86 (6), S. 3131 - 3146 (2021)
Sensitivity and resolution improvement for in-vivo magnetic resonance current density imaging (MRCDI) of the human brain. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 56.
31 (4), S. 969 - 980 (2021)
T2-Pseudonormalization and Microstructural Characterization in Advanced Stages of Late-infantile Metachromatic Leukodystrophy. Clinical Neuroradiology 57.
22 (23), S. 2381 - 2386 (2021)
Coherent evolution of signal amplification by reversible exchange in two alternating fields (alt-SABRE). ChemPhysChem 58.
13, 191, S. 1 - 18 (2021)
Improving 3D convolutional neural network comprehensibility via interactive visualization of relevance maps: evaluation in Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy 59.
31 (11), S. 4901 - 4915 (2021)
Resting-State Network Alterations Differ between Alzheimer’s Disease Atrophy Subtypes. Cerebral Cortex 60.
34 (10), S. 1 - 15 (2021)
9.4 T double-tuned 13 C/ 1 H human head array using a combination of surface loops and dipole antennas. NMR in Biomedicine