Publikationen von B Schölkopf

Konferenzbeitrag (212)

Franz, M.; Kwon, Y.; Rasmussen, C.; Schölkopf, B.: Semi-supervised kernel regression using whitened function classes. In: Pattern Recognition: 26th DAGM Symposium, Tübingen, Germany, August 30 - September 1, 2004, S. 18 - 26 (Hg. Rasmussen, C.; Bülthoff, H.; Schölkopf, B.; Giese, M.). 26th Annual Symposium of the German Association for Pattern Recognition (DAGM 2004), Tübingen, Germany, 30. August 2004 - 01. September 2004. Springer, Berlin, Germany (2004)
Franz, M.; Schölkopf, B.: Implicit estimation of Wiener series. In: 14th IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop Machine Learning for Signal Processing 2004, S. 735 - 744 (Hg. Barros, A.; Principe, J.; Larsen, J.; Adali, T.; Douglas, S.). 14th IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP 2004), Sao Luis, Brazil , 29. September 2004 - 01. Oktober 2004. IEEE Operations Center, Piscataway, NJ, USA (2004)
Kienzle, W.; BakIr, G.; Franz, M.; Schölkopf, B.: Efficient Approximations for Support Vector Machines in Object Detection. In: Pattern Recognition: 26th DAGM Symposium, Tübingen, Germany, August 30 - September 1, 2004, S. 54 - 61 (Hg. Rasmussen, C.; Bülthoff, H.; Schölkopf, B.; Giese, M.). 26th Annual Symposium of the German Association for Pattern Recognition (DAGM 2004), Tübingen, Germany, 30. August 2003 - 01. September 2001. Springer, Berlin, Germany (2004)
Zhou, D.; Schölkopf, B.: Learning from Labeled and Unlabeled Data Using Random Walks. In: Pattern Recognition: 26th DAGM Symposium, Tübingen, Germany, August 30 - September 1, 2004, S. 237 - 244 (Hg. Rasmussen, C.; Bülthoff, H.; Schölkopf, B.; Giese, M.). 26th Annual Symposium of the German Association for Pattern Recognition (DAGM 2004), Tübingen, Germany, 30. August 2004 - 01. September 2004. Springer, Berlin, Germany (2004)
Schölkopf, B.: Kernel Methods for Manifold Estimation. In: COMPSTAT 2004: Computational Statistics: 16th Symposium Held in Prague, Czech Republic, 2004, S. 441 - 452 (Hg. Antoch, J.). 16th Symposium on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT 2004), Praha, Czech Republic. (2004)
Ham, J.; Lee, D.; Mika, S.; Schölkopf, B.: A kernel view of the dimensionality reduction of manifolds. In: ICML '04: Twenty-First International Conference on Machine Learning, 47, S. 369 - 376 (Hg. Greiner, R.; Schuurmans, D.). Twenty-first International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2004), Banff, Canada, 04. Juli 2004 - 08. Juli 2004. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA (2004)
Zhou, D.; Schölkopf, B.: A Regularization Framework for Learning from Graph Data. In: ICML 2004 Workshop on Statistical Relational Learning and Its Connections to Other Fields (SRL 2004), S. 132 - 137. ICML 2004 Workshop on Statistical Relational Learning and Its Connections to Other Fields (SRL 2004), Banff, Canada, 08. Juli 2004. (2004)
Bakir, G.; Weston, J.; Schölkopf, B.: Learning to Find Pre-Images. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16, S. 449 - 456 (Hg. Thrun, S.; Saul, L.; Schölkopf, B.). Seventeenth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2003), Whistler, BC, Canada, 09. Dezember 2003 - 11. Dezember 2003. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (2004)
Eichhorn, J.; Tolias, A.; Zien, A.; Kuss, M.; Rasmussen, C.; Weston, J.; Logothetis, N.; Schölkopf, B.: Prediction on Spike Data Using Kernel Algorithms. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16: Proceedings of the 2003 Conference, S. 1367 - 1374 (Hg. Thrun, S.; Saul, L.; Schölkopf, B.). Seventeenth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2003), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 08. Dezember 2003 - 13. Dezember 2003. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (2004)
Zhou, D.; Bousquet, O.; Lal, T.; Weston, J.; Schölkopf, B.: Learning with Local and Global Consistency. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16: Proceedings of the 2003 Conference, S. 321 - 328 (Hg. Thrun, S.; Saul, L.; Schölkopf, B.). Seventeenth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2003), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 08. Dezember 2003 - 13. Dezember 2003. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (2004)
Zhou, D.; Weston, J.; Gretton, A.; Bousquet, O.; Schölkopf, B.: Ranking on Data Manifolds. Seventeenth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2003), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 09. Dezember 2003 - 11. Dezember 2003. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16, S. 169 - 176 (2004)
Kim, K.; Franz, M.; Schölkopf, B.: Kernel Hebbian Algorithm for single-frame super-resolution. In: ECCV 2004 Workshop on Statistical Learning in Computer Vision (SLCV 2004), S. 135 - 149 (Hg. Leonardis, A.; Bischof, H.). ECCV 2004 Workshop on Statistical Learning in Computer Vision (SLCV 2004), Praha, Czech Republic, 15. Mai 2004. (2004)
Fröhlich, H.; Chapelle, O.; Schölkopf, B.: Feature Selection for Support Vector Machines Using Genetic Algorithms. In: 15th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Bd. 13, S. 142 - 148. 15th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence 2003, Sacramento, CA, USA, 05. November 2003. IEEE Operations Center, Piscataway, NJ, USA (2003)
Shin, H.; Tsuda, K.; Schölkopf, B.: Protein Functional Class Prediction with a Combined Graph. In: Korean Data Mining Conference 2003, S. 200 - 219. Korean Data Mining Conference 2003, Seoul, South Korea. (2003)
Chapelle, O.; Weston, J.; Schölkopf, B.: Cluster Kernels for Semi-Supervised Learning. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15, S. 585 - 592 (Hg. Becker, S.; Thrun, S.; Obermayer, K.). Sixteenth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2002), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 09. Dezember 2002 - 14. Dezember 2002. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (2003)
Weston, J.; Chapelle, O.; Elisseeff, A.; Schölkopf, B.; Vapnik, V.: Kernel Dependency Estimation. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15, S. 873 - 880 (Hg. Becker, S.; Thrun, S.; Obermayer, K.). Sixteenth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2002), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 09. Dezember 2002 - 14. Dezember 2002. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (2003)
Chapelle, O.; Schölkopf, B.; Weston, J.: Semi-Supervised Learning through Principal Directions Estimation. In: ICML 2003 Workshop on the Continuum from Labeled to Unlabeled Data in Machine Learning & Data Mining, S. 1 - 7. ICML 2003 Workshop on the Continuum from Labeled to Unlabeled Data in Machine Learning & Data Mining, Washington, DC, USA, 21. August 2003. (2003)
Perez-Cruz, F.; Weston, J.; Herrmann, D.; Schölkopf, B.: Extension of the nu-SVM range for classification. In: Advances in learning theory: methods, models and applications, S. 179 - 196 (Hg. Suykens, J.; Horvath, G.; Basu, S.; Micchelli, C.; Vandewalle, J.). NATO Advanced Study Institute on Learning Theory and Practice 2002, Leuven, Belgium, 08. Juli 2002 - 19. Juli 2002. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2003)
Schölkopf, B.: An Introduction to Support Vector Machines. International Conference on Recent Advances and Trends in Nonparametric Statistics 2002, Crete, Greece, 15. Juli 2002 - 19. Juli 2002. Recent Advances and Trends in Nonparametric Statistics, S. 3 - 17 (2003)
Schölkopf, B.; Guyon, I.; Weston, J.: Statistical Learning and Kernel Methods in Bioinformatics. In: Artificial intelligence and heuristic methods in bioinformatics, S. 1 - 21 (Hg. Frasconi, P.; Shamir, R.). NATO Advanced Study Institute on Artificial Intelligence and Heuristic Methods in Bioinformatics 2001, San Miniato, Italy, 01. Oktober 2001 - 11. Oktober 2001. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2003)
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