Publications of P Dayan

Journal Article (304)

Journal Article
Dayan, P.: Metacognitive Information Theory. Open mind: discoveries in cognitive science 7, pp. 392 - 411 (2023)
Journal Article
Roelofs, K.; Klaassen, F.; Dayan, P.: Reply to "Post-encounter freezing during approach-avoidance conflict: the role of the hippocampus". Nature Reviews Neuroscience 24 (7), pp. 453 - 454 (2023)
Journal Article
Jain, Y.; Callaway, F.; Griffiths, T.; Dayan, P.; Krueger, P.; Lieder, F.: A computational process-tracing method for measuring people’s planning strategies and how they change over time. Behavior Research Methods 55 (4), pp. 2037 - 2079 (2023)
Journal Article
Schulz, L.; Fleming, S.; Dayan, P.: Metacognitive Computations for Information Search: Confidence in Control. Psychological Review 130 (3), pp. 604 - 639 (2023)
Journal Article
Barnby, J.; Dayan, P.; Bell, V.: Formalising social representation to explain psychiatric symptoms. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 27 (3), pp. 317 - 332 (2023)
Journal Article
Machado Costa, K.; Scholz, R.; Lloyd, K.; Moreno-Castilla, P.; Gardner, M.; Dayan, P.; Schoenbaum, G.: The role of the lateral orbitofrontal cortex in creating cognitive maps. Nature Neuroscience 26 (1), pp. 107 - 115 (2023)
Journal Article
Faulkner, P.; Huys, Q.; Renz, D.; Eshel, N.; Pilling, S.; Dayan, P.; Roiser, J.: A Comparison of "Pruning" During Multi-Step Planning in Depressed and Healthy Individuals. Psychological Medicine 52 (16), pp. 3948 - 3956 (2022)
Journal Article
Brielmann, A.; Dayan, P.: A computational model of aesthetic value. Psychological Review 129 (6), pp. 1319 - 1337 (2022)
Journal Article
Éltetö, N.; Nemeth, D.; Janacsek, K.; Dayan, P.: Tracking human skill learning with a hierarchical Bayesian sequence model. PLoS Computational Biology 18 (11), e1009866 (2022)
Journal Article
Chebolu, S.; Dayan, P.; Lloyd, K.: Vigilance, arousal, and acetylcholine: Optimal control of attention in a simple detection task. PLoS Computational Biology 18 (10), e1010642 (2022)
Journal Article
Safavi, S.; Dayan, P.: Multistability, perceptual value, and internal foraging. Neuron 110 (19), pp. 3076 - 3090 (2022)
Journal Article
Roelofs, K.; Dayan, P.: Freezing revisited: coordinated autonomic and central optimization of threat coping. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 23 (9), pp. 568 - 580 (2022)
Journal Article
Zamfir, E.; Dayan, P.: Interactions between attributions and beliefs at trial-by-trial level: Evidence from a novel computer game task. PLoS Computational Biology 18 (9), e1009920 (2022)
Journal Article
Barnby, J.; Dean, R.; Burgess, H.; Kim, J.; Teunisse, A.; Mackenzie, L.; Robinson, G.; Dayan, P.; Richards, L.: Increased persuadability and credulity in people with corpus callosum dysgenesis. Cortex 155, pp. 251 - 263 (2022)
Journal Article
Barnby, J.; Raihani, N.; Dayan, P.: Knowing me, knowing you: Interpersonal similarity improves predictive accuracy and reduces attributions of harmful intent. Cognition 225, 105098 (2022)
Journal Article
Castro-Rodrigues, P.; Akam, T.; Snorasson, I.; Camacho, M.; Paixão, V.; Maia, A.; Barahona-Corrêa, J.; Dayan, P.; Simpson, H.; Costa, R. et al.; Oliveira-Maia, A.: Explicit knowledge of task structure is a primary determinant of human model-based action. Nature Human Behaviour 6 (8), pp. 1126 - 1141 (2022)
Journal Article
Dubey, R.; Griffiths, T.; Dayan, P.: The pursuit of happiness: A reinforcement learning perspective on habituation and comparisons. PLoS Computational Biology 18 (8), e1010316 (2022)
Journal Article
Gagne, C.; Agai, S.; Ramiro, C.; Dayan, P.; Bishop, S.: Biased belief priors versus biased belief updating: Differential correlates of depression and anxiety. PLoS Computational Biology 18 (8), e1010176 (2022)
Journal Article
Lubianiker, N.; Paret, C.; Dayan, P.; Hendler, T.: Neurofeedback through the lens of reinforcement learning. Trends in Neurosciences 45 (8), pp. 579 - 593 (2022)
Journal Article
Bröker, F.; Love, B.; Dayan, P.: When unsupervised training benefits category learning. Cognition 221, 104984 (2022)
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