Publications of M Erb

Journal Article (86)

Journal Article
Kourtzi, Z.; Bülthoff, H.; Erb, M.; Grodd, W.: Object-selective responses in the human motion area MT/MST. Nature Neuroscience 5 (1), pp. 17 - 18 (2002)
Journal Article
Kammer, T.; Beck, S.; Erb, M.; Grodd, W.: The influence of current direction on phosphene thresholds evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation. Clinical Neurophysiology 112 (11), pp. 2015 - 2021 (2001)
Journal Article
Lotze, M.; Erb, M.; Flor, H.; Huelsmann, H.; Godde, B.; Grodd, W.: fMRI Evaluation of Somatotopic Representation in Human Primary Motor Cortex. NeuroImage 11 (5), pp. 473 - 481 (2000)
Journal Article
Baune, A.; Sommer, F.; Erb, M.; Wildgruber, D.; Kardatzki, B.; Palm, G.; Grodd, W.: Dynamical Cluster Analysis of Cortical fMRI Activation. NeuroImage 9 (5), pp. 477 - 489 (1999)
Journal Article
Preissl, H.; Erb, M.; Aertsen, A.: Biologische und künstliche neuronale Netze. InfoTech 2, pp. 20 - 31 (1990)
Journal Article
Erb, M.; Fahle, M.: Presenting Stereoscopic Stimuli With One Monitor. Vision Research 27 (8), pp. 1391 - 1392 (1987)

Book Chapter (2)

Book Chapter
Charyasz, E.; Heule, R.; Molla, F.; Erb, M.; Kumar, V.; Grodd, W.; Scheffler, K.; Bause, J.: Functional mapping of sensorimotor activation in the human thalamus at 9.4 Tesla. In: New challenges and future perspectives in brain imaging methods, 2. Ed., pp. 78 - 90 (Eds. Sollmann, M.; Yu, D.; Chuang, K.-H.) (2024)
Book Chapter
Erb, M.; Sitaram, R.: Neuroimaging Experiments on Meditation. In: Zen in the Light of Science (Ed. Triệt, T.). Śūnyatā Meditation Association, Perris, CA, USA (2010)

Conference Paper (7)

Conference Paper
Lohmann, G.; Stelzer, J.; Zuber, V.; Buschmann, T.; Erb, M.; Scheffler, K.: Correlation bundle statistics in fMRI data. In: 4th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging (PRNI 2014). 4th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging (PRNI 2014), Tübingen, Germany, June 04, 2014 - June 06, 2014. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA (2014)
Conference Paper
Ryn, M.; Erb, M.; Klose, U.: Method Development for Visualization of the Auditory Pathway Using fMRI. In: Medizinische Physik 2010, pp. 173 - 175 (Eds. Hodapp, N.; Hennig, J.; Mix, M.). 41. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik (DGMP 2010), Freiburg i. Br., Germany, September 29, 2010 - October 02, 2010. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik, Berlin, Germany (2010)
Conference Paper
Aertsen, A.; Erb, M.; Haalman, I.; Vaadia, E.: Coherent Dynamics in the Frontal Cortex of the Behaving Monkey: Experimental Observations and Model Interpretation. In: Advances in Processing and Pattern Analysis of Biological Signals, 15, pp. 205 - 224 (Eds. Gath, I.; Inbar, G.). Bat-Sheva De Rotschild Seminar, Haifa, Israel, March 19, 1995 - March 25, 1995. Plenum Press, London, UK (1996)
Conference Paper
Aertsen, A.; Erb, M.; Palm, G.; Schüz, A.: Coherent Assembly Dynamics in the Cortex: Multi-Neuron Recordings, Network Simulations and Anatomical Considerations. In: Oscillatory event related brain dynamics, pp. 59 - 83 (Eds. Pantev, C.; Elbert, T.; Lütkenhöner, B.). NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Oscillatory Event Related Brain Dynamics 1993, Tecklenburg, Germany, September 01, 1993 - September 05, 1993. Plenum Press, New York, NY, USA (1994)
Conference Paper
Erb, M.; Aertsen, A.: Dynamics of Activity in Biology-Oriented Neural Network Models: Stability at Low Firing Rates. In: Information Processing in the Cortex: Experiments and Theory (Eds. Aertsen, A.; Braitenberg, V.). Meeting on Theoretical Brain Science, Schloss Ringberg, Germany, April 18, 1990 - April 20, 1990. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1992)
Conference Paper
Erb, M.; Palm, G.: Lernen und Informationsspeicherung in neuronalen Netzen. In: Digitale Speicher: Vorträge der ITG-Fachtagung 1988, pp. 379 - 390 (Ed. Hilberg, W.). ITG-Fachtagung 1988, Darmstadt, Germany, September 19, 1988 - September 21, 1988. VDE-Verlag, Berlin, Germany (1988)
Conference Paper
Aertsen, A.; Erb, M.: Scherzo cerebri, ma non troppo: das Neurophon. In: Wahrnehmungen des Gehirns: Beiträge zu einem Symposium zum 60. Geburtstag von Valentin Braitenberg, pp. 67 - 86 (Eds. Aertsen, A.; Palm, G.; Popp, M.; Schüz, A.). Wahrnehmungen des Gehirns: Symposium zum 60. Geburtstag von Valentin Braitenberg, Tübingen, Germany, June 27, 1986. Max-Planck-Institut für Biologische Kybernetik, Tübingen, Germany (1987)

Meeting Abstract (23)

Meeting Abstract
Klepel, F.; Nguyen, C.; Klinkowski, S.; Bikker, S.; Staab, L.; Eisenhut, T.; Erb, M.; Scheffler, K.; Gaiss, S.; Brodt, S.: Information Processing in the Wake-Sleep Transition with Concurrent fMRI-EEG. In 48. Jahrestagung Psychologie & Gehirn (PuG 2023), S14.4, p. 66. 48. Jahrestagung Psychologie & Gehirn (PuG 2023), Tübingen, Germany, June 08, 2023 - June 10, 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Klinkowski, S.; Seewald, A.; Fath, B.; Iliopoulos, P.; Schmidt, S.; Voss, F.; Erb, M.; Scheffler, K.; Gaiss, S.; Brodt, S.: Specialized Memory Subsystems for Detailed and Conceptual Information Assessed with Multimodal MRI. In 48. Jahrestagung Psychologie & Gehirn (PuG 2023), S29.1, p. 129. 48. Jahrestagung Psychologie & Gehirn (PuG 2023), Tübingen, Germany, June 08, 2023 - June 10, 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Seitz, I.; Erb, M.; Ethofer, T.; Rina, A.; Fischer, M.; Keliris, G.; Bartz-Schmidt, K.-U.: Neural plasticity of the human visual system reflects treatment effect in gene therapy for Achromatopsia. In Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 63 (7), 452. Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO 2022), Denver, CO, USA, May 01, 2022 - May 12, 2022. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, etc., Hagerstown, MD, etc. (2022)
Meeting Abstract
Brodt, S.; Beck, J.; Seewald, A.; Erb, M.; Scheffler, K.; Schönauer, M.; Gais, S.: Sleep strenghtens early neocortical traces and thalamic and striatal contributions to declarative memory recall. In 5th Functional Architecture of Memory Conference (FAM 2022), p. 32. 5th Functional Architecture of Memory Conference (FAM 2022), Magdeburg, Germany, May 18, 2022 - May 20, 2022. (2022)
Meeting Abstract
Klinkowski, S.; Seewald, A.; Fath, B.; Iliopoulos, P.; Schmidt, S.; Voss , F.; Erb, M.; Scheffler, K.; Gais, S.; Brodt, S.: Formation of conceptual representations in visual processing areas. In 5th Functional Architecture of Memory Conference (FAM 2022), p. 29. 5th Functional Architecture of Memory Conference (FAM 2022), Magdeburg, Germany, May 18, 2022 - May 20, 2022. (2022)
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