Publications of AMHJ Aertsen

Meeting Abstract (10)

Meeting Abstract
Aertsen, A.; Gerstein, G.: Functional connectivity in neuronal systems: Time course of firing correlations in multi-neuron activity reveals dynamic network organization. In Dynamics and Plasticity in Neuronal Systems: Proceedings of the 17th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference: Dynamik und Plastizität neuronaler Systeme, p. 31 (Eds. Elsner, N.; Singer, W.). 17. Göttinger Neurobiologentagung, Göttingen, Germany, May 19, 1989 - May 21, 1989. Thieme, Stuttgart, Germany (1989)
Meeting Abstract
Bonhoeffer, T.; Staiger, V.; Aertsen, A.: Unexpected properties of "Hebb-synapses" in hippocampal slice cultures. In Dynamics and Plasticity in Neuronal Systems: Proceedings of the 17th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference: Dynamik und Plastizität neuronaler Systeme, p. 40 (Eds. Elsner, N.; Singer, W.). 17. Göttinger Neurobiologentagung, Göttingen, Germany, May 19, 1989 - May 21, 1989. Thieme, Stuttgart, Germany (1989)
Meeting Abstract
Erb, M.; Aertsen, A.; Palm, G.: Context-Dependence of Effective Connectivity in Neuronal Nets without Synaptic Plasticity. In European Journal of Neuroscience, Supplement 2, p. 67. 21st Annual Meeting of the European Neuroscience Society, Torino, Italy, September 06, 1989 - September 08, 1989. Published on behalf of the European Neuroscience Association by Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (1989)
Meeting Abstract
Preißl, H.; Aertsen, A.; Palm, G.: A Non-Linear Dynamical Systems Approach to the Analysis of Neuronal Activity. In European Journal of Neuroscience, Supplement 2, p. 172. 21st Annual Meeting of the European Neuroscience Society, Torino, Italy, September 06, 1989 - September 08, 1989. Published on behalf of the European Neuroscience Association by Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (1989)
Meeting Abstract
Bedenbaugh, P.; Gerstein, G.; Boven, K.; Aertsen, A.: The meaning of stimulus dependent changes in cross correlation between neuronal spike trains. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 14 (1), 264.10, p. 651. 18th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1988), Toronto, Canada, November 13, 1988 - November 18, 1988. (1988)
Meeting Abstract
Gerstein, G.; Aertsen, A.: Rapid stimulus-modulation of "effective connectivity" between two neurons. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 14 (1), 264.11, p. 651. 18th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1988), Toronto, Canada, November 13, 1988 - November 18, 1988. (1988)

Poster (6)

Erb, M.; Aertsen, A.; Palm, G.: Stability in Physiology-Oriented Neuronal Network Models. 18. Göttinger Neurobiologentagung, Göttingen, Germany (1990)
Bonhoeffer, T.; Staiger, V.; Aertsen, A.: Plasticity in rat hippocampal slice structures. 17. Göttinger Neurobiologentagung, Göttingen, Germany (1989)
Boven, K.-H.; Aertsen, A.: Function connectivity in neuronal systems: Fast modulation of synaptic efficacy reflects dynamics of network activity. 17. Göttinger Neurobiologentagung, Göttingen, Germany (1989)
Erb, M.; Aertsen, A.; Palm, G.: Functional connectivity in neuronal systems: Context-dependence of effective network organization does not require synaptic plasticity. 17. Göttinger Neurobiologentagung, Göttingen, Germany (1989)
Preissl, H.; Aertsen, A.; Palm, G.: Are fractal dimensions relevant for the description of neuronal activity? 17. Göttinger Neurobiologentagung, Göttingen, Germany (1989)
Johannesma, P.; Aertsen, A.: Conservation and dissipation in Neurodynamics. International Symposium on Physics of cognitive processes, Amalfi, Italy (1987)

Report (1)

Grün, S.; Wagner, H.; Carr, C.; Aertsen, A.: Binaural Interaction in the Nucleus Laminaris of the Barn Owl: A Quantitative Model (Research Report BrainWorks, 1991). (1991)
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