Publications of E Schulz

Journal Article (44)

Journal Article
Otto, A.; Devine, A.; Schulz, E.; Bornstein, A.; Louie, K.: Context-dependent choice and evaluation in real-world consumer behavior. Scientific Reports 12 (1), 17744 (2022)
Journal Article
Wu, C.; Schulz, E.; Pleskac, T.; Speekenbrink, M.: Time pressure changes how people explore and respond to uncertainty. Scientific Reports 12 (1), 4122 (2022)
Journal Article
Meder, B.; Wu, C.; Schulz, E.; Ruggeri, A.: Development of directed and random exploration in children. Developmental Science 24 (4), e13095 (2021)
Journal Article
Tomov, M.; Schulz, E.; Gershman, S.: Multi-task reinforcement learning in humans. Nature Human Behaviour 5 (6), pp. 764 - 773 (2021)
Journal Article
Wu, C.; Schulz, E.; Gershman, S.: Inference and search on graph-structured spaces. Computational Brain & Behavior 4, pp. 125 - 147 (2021)
Journal Article
Schulz, E.; Dayan, P.: Computational psychiatry for computers. iScience 23 (12), 101772 (2020)
Journal Article
Brändle, F.; Wu, C.; Schulz, E.: What are we curious about? Trends in Cognitive Sciences 24 (9), pp. 685 - 687 (2020)
Journal Article
Wu, C.; Schulz, E.; Garvert, M.; Meder, B.; Schuck, N.: Similarities and differences in spatial and non-spatial cognitive maps. PLoS Computational Biology 16 (9) (2020)
Journal Article
Schulz, E.; Quiroga, F.; Gershman, S.: Communicating compositional patterns. Open Mind: Discoveries in Cognitive Science 4, pp. 25 - 39 (2020)
Journal Article
Schulz, E.; Franklin, N.; Gershman, S.: Finding structure in multi-armed bandits. Cognitive Psychology 119, 101261, pp. 1 - 35 (2020)
Journal Article
Dasgupta, I.; Schulz, E.; Tenenbaum, J.; Gershman, S.: A theory of learning to infer. Psychological Review 127 (3), pp. 412 - 441 (2020)
Journal Article
Stojic, H.; Schulz, E.; Analytis, P.; Speekenbrink, M.: It's new, but is it good? How generalization and uncertainty guide the exploration of novel options. (submitted)
Journal Article
Schulz, E.; Wu, C.; Ruggeri, A.; Meder, B.: Searching for rewards like a child means less generalization and more directed exploration. Psychological Science 30 (11), pp. 1561 - 1572 (2019)
Journal Article
Schulz, E.; Bhui, R.; Love, B.; Brier, B.; Todd, M.; Gershman, S.: Structured, uncertainty-driven exploration in real-world consumer choice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 (28), pp. 13903 - 13908 (2019)
Journal Article
Schulz, E.; Gershman, S.: The algorithmic architecture of exploration in the human brain. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 55, pp. 7 - 14 (2019)
Journal Article
Wu, C.; Schulz, E.; Speekenbrink, M.; Nelson, J.; Meder, B.: Generalization guides human exploration in vast decision spaces. Nature Human Behaviour 2 (12), pp. 915 - 924 (2018)
Journal Article
Schulz, E.; Wu, C.; Huys, Q.; Krause, A.; Speekenbrink, M.: Generalization and search in risky environments. Cognitive Science 42 (8), pp. 2592 - 2620 (2018)
Journal Article
Dasgupta, I.; Schulz, E.; Goodman, N.; Gershman , S.: Remembrance of Inferences Past: Amortization in Human Hypothesis Generation. Cognition 178, pp. 67 - 81 (2018)
Journal Article
Schulz, E.; Speekenbrink, M.; Krause, A.: A tutorial on Gaussian process regression: Modelling, exploring, and exploiting functions. Journal of Mathematical Psychology 85, pp. 1 - 16 (2018)
Journal Article
Schulz, E.; Konstantinidis, E.; Speekenbrink, M.: Putting Bandits Into Context: How Function Learning Supports Decision Making. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 44 (6), pp. 927 - 943 (2018)
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